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Publication in the community "What day is today?"

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Today we celebrate a holiday that unites all representatives of the fauna of our planet - World Animal Day. The date was established at the International Congress of Supporters of the Movement for Nature, held in 1931 in Florence (Italy). It is designed to draw the attention of mankind to the problems of all the inhabitants of the planet.

The date of October 4 was not chosen by chance. In history, this day is known as the day of remembrance of the Catholic Saint Francis of Assisi, who is considered the patron saint of all animals. Therefore, on this day, churches in many countries not only remember St. Francis, but also conduct services dedicated to the World Day of Protective Animals. And the animal protection organizations of the world organize various mass events and actions dedicated to this Day.

The significance of the holiday is difficult to overestimate. Indeed, according to the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF), every hour on our Earth 3 species of animals disappear! About 70 species of flora and fauna of the planet disappear daily, and a quarter of all species of flora and fauna will cease to exist in the near future. This trend has led to the fact that over the past quarter century, the biological diversity of our planet has decreased by a third! And it's really scary ...

Today's date is set to increase public awareness of the need to protect the environment and increase the activity of each person in protecting animals. And this applies not only to wild representatives of the fauna, but also to pets. Indeed, in recent years there have been more and more examples of ill-treatment of them. While pets are considered to be part of the family, which means they have the same rights as we do.

In recent years, World Animal Day events have been held in more than 60 countries around the world. This day will be events that encourage people to think about how we feel about animals, and what each of us can do to preserve their numbers and diversity.

Happy holiday, friends!

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